Steam Cleaners for Stationary and Continuous use: REA Steam Cleaning also offers fixed steam cleaners , ranging from 9 to 144kW. They are suggested in fixed cleaning appliances, degreasing and sanitization of devices or items during productions and also for the continuous cleaning of transport belts . REA dry and saturated steam cleaners are perfectly compatible with the production areas.
As opposed to portable cleaners, they offer the possibility of managing easily more complex cleaning routines and are recommended for a 24/24h use.
They can be automatically managed by the production line of the customer and also paired with REA aspiration systems.
It is possible to install this generators at a considerable distance from the cleaning tool , for a better usage of the spaces that our customers have available.
Heavy duty components, electronic plc card allows for a dry or saturated steam erogation with constant pressure while using it for a long period.
Steam Cleaners for stationary and continuous use are designed and manufactured to work 24/24 .